My own private gym

I went to the gym the other day and had the weights room to myself. Most of my gym members are elderly people who use the machine weights and cardio machines. So the downstairs weights section is like my own private gym just because I work remotely and can go at 10am when everyone else is working.
I hit 82.5kg on the bench press so I'm getting towards my 2024 goal. Having the safety bars in the rack is really good as now I don't need a squatter and I can bench safely (unfortunately, men die every year from benching at home on their own without any safety back up.)
I went for a swim after doing my weights and I really took time to savour the moment. Here I am doing breast stroke and not stressing about commuting, tedious meetings or the possibility of getting fired (everyone is expendable at a company).

It's easy to forget how much freedom you have as a founder so it's great to remember that. Having complete control of my time is so important to me. It's at times like this that I love being a founder. If you are working for yourself, don't take it for granted. Go to the gym when it's super-quiet and have your own private gym!