I'm making a newsletter course

I get loads of messages about how to make money from a newsletter. I made $1450 in one month just from newsletter sponsors recently. So I decided I would make my own course.
UPDATE - it's now available for pre-order!
Daniel Vassallo's success with sharing his Twitter knowledge has been a big inspiration to me. I'm recording the videos in Loom and then I guess I will stitch them all together. Loom is very easy to use and it's what Ben from Makerpad has used in the past. I figured I would also need slides but I can use Google Doc for that.
Some of the contents for the course are :
- How much to charge per 500/ 1000 subscribers
- How to find newsletter sponsors
- Where to place ads
- How to negotiate prices
- Making sure you get paid
- Getting repeat business
- How to find affiliates
- Monetizing with your own content
If you have any suggestions, leave them in this trello board 😀
I'm aiming to have this completed in two weeks.