What tech stack do I use? It doesn't matter.
Don't ask founders what stack they use - ask how they make money.
It's something I
Sales tips for indie hackers
A few indie hackers asked me about pricing products. It's good to share sales
tips publicly so more
June 2020 open report for No CS Degree: $2,523
June was my best month yet for No CS Degree with $2,523 in revenue! Selling more newsletter ad spots
Mailchimp vs EmailOctopus and how to combine the two!
I've recently moved my No CS Degree newsletter from Mailchimp or Email Octopus
Review: Daniel Vassallo's Everyone Can Build a Twitter Audience course
I bought the Everyone Can Build a Twitter Audience
[https://gumroad.com/a/466973811/PBkrO?offer_code=blackfriday] course last
How you can self-publish a book for free
I wanted to explain how you can write and publish an ebook for free. I've made $275 from
How these 12 open startups performed in April 2020
I thought it would be fun to see how some people did with their businesses over
the last month. I&
Open startups report for No CS Degree - April 2020
Revenue: $1,465 (up 46.5% from March)
Costs: $165
Profits $1,300
I had a really tough start to
I have now made $10,000 with my No CS Degree website
I've made this money from a variety of income streams and it's generally pretty
good to
Learning about databases to use with Django for Bootcamp Index 2.0
I've been learning today a bit more about databases and which ones to use with
Django comes