2 min read

20 indie founders who sold their startups

20 indie founders who sold their startups

I've tracked down the sale details for 20 bootstrapped companies created by indie founders. All of these are bootstrapped startups that were sold in the past two years so it's fresh data and not just the old stories you've seen a million times already. None of these companies took VC funding. I always find it really motivating when I see a bootstrapped founder has sold a startup for a load of money!

Some examples of indie startups that got sold in the past 2 years:

• UnicornPlatform: $800k - website builder

• Feather: $250k - Notion blogging SaaS

• TalkNotes: $200k - AI note taking app

• BlackMagic: $128k - Twitter tools

• BotEatBrain: $40k - AI newsletter

• Habit Garden: $10k - habit tracking app

You can get the full list of 20 indie acquisitions from my Gumroad page - you get a 100% free link to the Google sheet.

Indie Acquisitions - free report from High Signal
It’s always exciting to see an indie founder selling their startup and getting paid! But what if you could find data on 20 such deals for free?I got you covered. I’ve spent lots of time building up a Google sheet stuffed full of bootstrapped companies which have been sold along with their acquisition price. All for free! And all the deals are from the last 2 years so you get the freshest info possible. Data you get• Startup name• Acquisition price• Description of the product • Source e.g. tweet / blog post• The year it was sold Why you need this• For newbie founders, it will inspire you to create a startup • For intermediates, it will inspire you to keep going • For advanced founders, you can sell how much you can sell your startup for• For buyers, you can see what is realistic to pay for a startup. Types of deals• SaaS• AI apps• Marketplaces• Communities• Newsletters • Mac apps All for free. If you’re feeling generous, you can pay me what you think it’s worth.